【PHP】打印猿&蜂打打 开放平台 完整对接

2025-03-13 / 0 评论 / 5 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...



namespace app\common\lib\printman;

use think\facade\Log;

class Basic
    public $AppId;
    public $AppSecret;
    public $ApiUrl;
    public $PrinterId;

    public function __construct($AppId, $AppSecret, $PrinterId)
        $this->AppId     = $AppId;
        $this->AppSecret = $AppSecret;
        $this->ApiUrl    = "https://iot-app-prod.fengdada.cn/mk/api";
        $this->PrinterId = $PrinterId;

    public function encode($BizData, $nonce) {
//        global  $AppSecret;
        $jsonBytes = mb_convert_encoding($BizData , 'utf-8');
        $bizData = strval($jsonBytes);
        $sign_ori = $bizData . $nonce . $this->AppSecret;
        $md5_hash = md5($sign_ori, true);
        $sign = base64_encode($md5_hash);
        return $sign;

    public function generate_verification_code() {
        $verification_code = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
            $verification_code .= strval(rand(0, 9));
        return $verification_code;

    public function requests_post($url, $data, $headers) {
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "cacert-2023-01-10.pem");
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        return $response;

    public function DoMyPost($URL, $json_BizData) {
        $ts = round(microtime(true) * 1000);
        $nonce = $this->generate_verification_code();
        $sign = $this->encode($json_BizData, $nonce);

        $data = array(
            "bizData" => $json_BizData,
            "nonce" => $nonce,
            "appId" => $this->AppId,
            "timestamp" => strval($ts)
        $headers = array(
            'Content-Type: application/json',

//        $response = $this->requests_post($URL, json_encode($data), $headers);
        $response = $this->curlRequest($URL, "POST",json_encode($data),true,false, $headers);


            echo "Error: no response received";
            return $response;

    // 云打印验证码
    public function PrintCaptcha() {
        $URL = $this->ApiUrl."/print/captcha";
        $BizData = array('printerId' => $this->PrinterId);
        $json_BizData = json_encode($BizData);
        return $this->DoMyPost($URL, $json_BizData);
    // 云打印机绑定
    public function PrintBind($VerificationCode) {
        $URL = $this->ApiUrl."/printer/bind";
        $BizData = array('printerId' => $this->PrinterId, 'captcha' => $VerificationCode);
        $json_BizData = json_encode($BizData);
        return $this->DoMyPost($URL, $json_BizData);
    // 云打印
    public function CloudPrint( $ShareCode, $PrintDataList) {
        $URL = $this->ApiUrl."/print";
        $BizData = array('printerId' => $this->PrinterId, 'shareCode' => $ShareCode, 'printData' => $PrintDataList);
        $json_BizData = json_encode($BizData);
        return $this->DoMyPost($URL, $json_BizData);
    // 云打印状态查询
    public function QueryPrintStatus($ShareCode) {
        $URL = $this->ApiUrl."/printer/status/query";
        $BizData = array('printerId' => $this->PrinterId, 'shareCode' => $ShareCode);
        $json_BizData = json_encode($BizData);
        return $this->DoMyPost($URL, $json_BizData);
    public function unbind($ShareCode){
        $URL = $this->ApiUrl."/printer/unbind";
        $BizData = array('printerId' => $this->PrinterId, 'shareCode' => $ShareCode);
        $json_BizData = json_encode($BizData);
        return $this->DoMyPost($URL, $json_BizData);

     * @Author: 小破孩嫩
     * @Email: 3584685883@qq.com
     * @Time: 2021/4/1 10:39
     * @param string $url url地址
     * @param string $method 请求方法,默认为 'GET',可选值为 'GET' 或 'POST'
     * @param mixed $data 要发送的数据,如果是 POST 请求则为数据内容,否则为 null
     * @param array $headers 自定义请求头信息
     * @param int $timeout 超时时间,默认为 30 秒
     * @param bool $verifySSL 是否验证 SSL 证书,默认为 true
     * @param bool $flbg 返回值是否转成数组,默认不转
     * @param bool $headercontent 是否获取请求的header值内容,默认不获取
     * @return array|bool|mixed|string
     * @Description:curl请求
    protected function curlRequest($url, $method = 'GET', $data = null, $flbg = false, $verifySSL = true, $headers = [], $headerContent = false, $timeout = 30)
        // 初始化 cURL 会话
        $ch = curl_init();

        // 设置要请求的 URL
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        // 设置获取的信息以字符串形式返回,而不是直接输出
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        // 设置超时时间
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);

        // 设置请求方法
        if ($method === 'POST') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

        // 设置请求头
        if (!empty($headers)) {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

        // 设置是否验证 SSL 证书
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $verifySSL);

        // 执行 cURL 会话并获取响应
        $response = curl_exec($ch);

        // 获取 HTTP 响应码
        $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

        // 如果 cURL 执行出错
        if (curl_errno($ch)) {
            // 输出错误信息
            echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch);
            // 关闭 cURL 会话并返回 false
            return false;
        } // 如果 HTTP 响应码大于等于 400(表示错误)
        elseif ($httpCode >= 400) {
            // 输出错误信息
            echo "HTTP error: $httpCode";
            // 关闭 cURL 会话并返回 false
            return false;

        // 处理是否获取请求头内容
        if ($headerContent && $httpCode == 200) {
            $headerSize = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
            $headers = substr($response, 0, $headerSize);
            $body = substr($response, $headerSize);
            return [$headers, $body];

        // 关闭 cURL 会话

        // 处理是否将响应转换为数组
        if ($flbg) {
            $response = json_decode($response, true);

        // 返回响应内容
        return $response;

     * @Author:小破孩
     * @Email:3584685883@qq.com
     * @Time:2025/1/10 14:02
     * @param $code
     * @return string
     * @Description:打印机错误码
    public function errorCode($code){
        $errorCodes = [
            200 => "success 成功",
            500 => "sys fail 系统异常",
            2001 => "sign check fail 签名失败",
            2002 => "not find partner 查无合作伙伴",
            2003 => "illegal access 非法访问",
            3001 => "param check error 参数错误",
            3002 => "please input params 请输入参数",
            40001 => "please input APPID 请输入appid",
            40002 => "biz exception 业务异常",
            40003 => "printer xxx is offline 打印机离线",
            40004 => "printer xxx is not auth 打印机未授权",
            40005 => "shareCode is error 分享码错误",
            40006 => "printer xxx after 5 minutes reprinting 请5分钟后重试",
            40007 => "printer xxx captcha error 验证码错误",
            40008 => "printer xxx captcha expired 验证码过期",
            40009 => "printer xxx bind fail 绑定失败",
            40023 => "lip not close 盖子未闭合",
            40023 => "sticker 粘纸",
            40023 => "sticker and lip not close 粘纸并且盖子未闭合",
            40023 => "no page 缺纸",
            40023 => "no page and lip not close 缺纸并且盖子未闭合",
            40023 => "temperature too high 温度过高",
            40023 => "temperature too high and lip not close 温度过高且盖子未闭合",
            40023 => "temperature too high and sticker 温度过高且粘纸",
            40023 => "temperature too high and lip not close and sticker 温度过高且粘纸,盖子未闭合",
            40023 => "command error 指令错误"
        return $errorCodes[$code];




namespace app\common\lib\printman\template;

use app\common\lib\printman\Template;

class Temp1 implements Template
    protected $id;

    public function __construct($id = "")
        $this->id = $id;

     * @Author:小破孩
     * @Email:3584685883@qq.com
     * @Time:2025/1/10 10:51
     * @return string
     * @Description:打印模板1
    public function temp($order = ""){
            return "没有订单信息";
        $height = ceil(self::getTempHight($order)/10+50);
        $i = 40;
        $template = "";
        $template .= "SIZE 72 mm, ".$height." mm\r\n";
        $template .= "CODEPAGE 437\r\n";
        $template .= "DENSITY 8\r\n";
        $template .= "CLS \r\n";
        $template .= "CODEPAGE 936\r\n";
        $template .= "DIRECTION  0\r\n";
        $template .= "TEXT 220,0,\"4\",0,1,1,\""."订单详情"."\"\r\n"; //小票标题

        $template .= "TEXT 220,".$i.",\"4\",0,1,1,\"".""."\"\r\n"; //换行

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"订单编号:".$order['o_uuid']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"打印时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"申 请 人:".$order['o_address_name']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"联系方式:".$order['o_address_tel_default']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"收货地址:".mb_substr($order['o_address_info'],0,16)."\"\r\n";

        if(mb_strlen($order['o_address_info']) > 16){
            $template .= "TEXT 40,";
            $template .= $i+=30;
            $template .=",\"0\",0,1,1,\" ".mb_substr($order['o_address_info'],16)."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"申请时间:".$order['o_create_time']."\"\r\n";

//        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
//        $template .= $i+=30;
//        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"审核时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$order['o_pay_receipt_allow_time'])."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"配 送 员:".$order['salesmaninfo']['sm_name']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"配送电话:".$order['salesmaninfo']['sm_phone']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"出货仓库:".$order['warehouse_name']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"商品总数:".$order['goods_total_num']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"商品总价:".$order['o_real_price']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "BAR 20,";
        $template .= $i+=28;
        $template .= ",720,2\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=16;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"商品        数量        单价        金额\"\r\n";

        $template .= "BAR 20,";
        $template .= $i+=28;
        $template .= ",720,2\r\n";

        foreach ($order['order_list'] as $kk => $vv){
                $firstNamaText = "赠品:";
                $firstNamaText = "商品:";
            $knum = $kk+=1;
            $template .= "TEXT 30,";
            $template .= $i+=30;
            $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"$knum.". mb_substr($firstNamaText.$vv['oi_sku_info']['goods_info']['withgoodsinfoinfo']['sg_name'].'('.$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_name'].')',0,26)."\"\r\n";
            if(mb_strlen($firstNamaText.$vv['oi_sku_info']['goods_info']['withgoodsinfoinfo']['sg_name'].'('.$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_name'].')') > 26){
                $template .= "TEXT 30,";
                $template .= $i+=30;
                $template .=",\"0\",0,1,1,\" ".mb_substr($firstNamaText.$vv['oi_sku_info']['goods_info']['withgoodsinfoinfo']['sg_name'].'('.$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_name'].')',26)."\"\r\n";
            $template .= "TEXT 65,";
            $template .= $i+=30;
                $template .=",\"0\",0,1,1,\"".$vv['oi_sku_info']['num'].'件'.'            '."0.00".'            '."0.00"."\"\r\n";
                $template .=",\"0\",0,1,1,\"".$vv['oi_sku_info']['num'].'件'.'            '.sprintf("%.2f",$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_price']/$vv['oi_sku_info']['num']).'            '.$vv['oi_real_price']."\"\r\n";


        $template .= "BAR 20,";
        $template .= $i+=28;
        $template .= ",720,2\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"数量总计:".$order['goods_total_num'].'件'."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "PRINT 1,1";

        $instacneStr = new \app\common\lib\data\Str();

        $data = [
            'waybillPrinterData' => $instacneStr->gzipAndBase64Encode($template),
            'printType' => 'tspl',
            'id' => $this->id

        return [$data];

    protected function getTempHight($order){
        $i = 50;
        $template = "";
        $template .= "SIZE 72 mm, 90 mm\r\n";
        $template .= "CODEPAGE 437\r\n";
        $template .= "DENSITY 8\r\n";
        $template .= "CLS \r\n";
        $template .= "CODEPAGE 936\r\n";
        $template .= "DIRECTION  0\r\n";
        $template .= "TEXT 220,0,\"4\",0,1,1,\""."订单详情"."\"\r\n"; //小票标题

        $template .= "TEXT 220,".$i.",\"4\",0,1,1,\"".""."\"\r\n"; //换行

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"订单编号:".$order['o_uuid']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"打印时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"申 请 人:".$order['o_address_name']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"联系方式:".$order['o_address_tel_default']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"收货地址:".mb_substr($order['o_address_info'],0,16)."\"\r\n";

        if(mb_strlen($order['o_address_info']) > 16){
            $template .= "TEXT 40,";
            $template .= $i+=30;
            $template .=",\"0\",0,1,1,\" ".mb_substr($order['o_address_info'],16)."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"申请时间:".$order['o_create_time']."\"\r\n";

//        if(empty($order['o_help'])){
//            $template .= "TEXT 40,";
//            $template .= $i+=30;
//            $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"审核时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$order['o_pay_receipt_allow_time'])."\"\r\n";
//        }

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"配送员姓名:".$order['salesmaninfo']['sm_name']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"配送员电话:".$order['salesmaninfo']['sm_phone']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"出货仓库:".$order['warehouse_name']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"商品总数:".$order['goods_total_num']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"商品总价:".$order['o_real_price']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "BAR 20,";
        $template .= $i+=28;
        $template .= ",720,2\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=16;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"商品        数量        单价        金额\"\r\n";

        $template .= "BAR 20,";
        $template .= $i+=28;
        $template .= ",720,2\r\n";

        // foreach ($order as $key => $val){

        foreach ($order['order_list'] as $kk => $vv){

                $firstNamaText = "赠品:";
                $firstNamaText = "商品:";

            $knum = $kk+=1;

            $template .= "TEXT 30,";
            $template .= $i+=30;
            $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"$knum.". mb_substr($firstNamaText.$vv['oi_sku_info']['goods_info']['withgoodsinfoinfo']['sg_name'].'('.$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_name'].')',0,26)."\"\r\n";
            if(mb_strlen($firstNamaText.$vv['oi_sku_info']['goods_info']['withgoodsinfoinfo']['sg_name'].'('.$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_name'].')') > 26){
                $template .= "TEXT 30,";
                $template .= $i+=30;
                $template .=",\"0\",0,1,1,\" ".mb_substr($firstNamaText.$vv['oi_sku_info']['goods_info']['withgoodsinfoinfo']['sg_name'].'('.$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_name'].')',26)."\"\r\n";
            $template .= "TEXT 65,";
            $template .= $i+=30;
            $template .=",\"0\",0,1,1,\"".$vv['oi_sku_info']['num'].'件'.'            '.$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_price'].'            '.$vv['oi_sku_info']['sgcs_price']*$vv['oi_sku_info']['num']."\"\r\n";

        $template .= "BAR 20,";
        $template .= $i+=28;
        $template .= ",720,2\r\n";

        $template .= "TEXT 40,";
        $template .= $i+=30;
        $template .= ",\"0\",0,1,1,\"数量总计:".$order['goods_total_num']."\"\r\n";
        // }

        $template .= "PRINT 1,1";
        return $i;

